Users have to make a vital decision in choosing their web hosting company as they have to stay with the web operating system. There are plenty of operating systems, but the choice boils down only to Linux and Windows. The choice of deciding the platform is based on personal preferences as Linux is an open source and Windows does not share with the world its source code. The debate of Linux vs Windows web hosting is identical to the blondes vs. brunettes as both are largely matter of preferences.
Making an informed decision helps in summarizing the main points prior to deciding Linux or Windows as web hosting platform:
•Do you need OS application or other- The most important issue is considering the application you need to run your server. The applications running on both are many, but some applications are for one of the platforms. There may be applications ported from others, but they work best only in their native environment such as Apache on Linux and .NET on Windows. Ensure the operating system enabling running applications as migrating from a site in the later stages is not fun.
•Security importance- Every webmaster need security. Generally, Linux is more secure and Windows can be made secured, if administrators are knowledgeable.
•Training- Ease of use needs to be prioritized. The difference between these two operating systems is negligible. A Windows user need not panic if Linux is chosen as more often they are the same. The possibilities are that you may use a web browser mainly or a FTP client for site access.
•Price- the Linux hosting packages are cheaper with quality applications as Linux is free. But, Windows is expensive owing to the licensing fee your hosting provider has paid to acquire Windows.
•Personal preference- Eventually, your personal preferences are the main pros/con to assist making decisions. The main factors that matters are good bandwidth, no or very little downtime and affordable prices.
Choosing Linux is appropriate if you are using PHP, Perl, CGI, Ruby or Python scripting. In case you are using web application to pod cast, blog or create shopping carts, see the language used to create applications.
Choose Windows hosting in case you are using ASP, ASP.NET 2.0 or ASP.NET. The typical use is a SQL server. Check the web application used in creating if you plan to podcast, blog or crate shopping carts.Read Articles